The following document was issued by the Baath Party of Iraq translated from Arabic, it might be of interest for you
Truly yours
Ibrahim Ebeid
A National Project for a Comprehensive Solution to Iraq
After prolonged studies, based on the disastrous reality of Iraq, the Arab
Ba’ath Socialist Party has envisioned a comprehensive patriotic project to save Iraq, aiming to rebuild in accordance with the principle of equal citizenship; preparing the required conditions that insure all the necessities of a free and dignified life, foremost of which are: security, safety, national independence, sovereignty, utilizing Iraq's wealth for reconstruction, abolition of the laws of “Ablation,” restoration of state power, building its armed forces on the basis of professionalism, and national reconciliation.
Arab Ba’ath Socialist Party The Leadership of State of Iraq
One Arab nation with an Eternal Mission Unity — freedom — Socialism
The National Project for a Comprehensive Solution to Iraq
Iraq's complex problems and crises that threaten its existence, destiny and future, came as an inevitable outcome of the war waged by the United States, Britain and their allies in Iraq in 2003, which was characterized by many international jurists and international figures, including the former Secretary-General of the United Nations as a "War of Aggression." The rationales behind the war were proved to be incorrect and fabricated, and finally were admitted by some US and British officials themselves. It became obvious to everybody the damage of this war and its serious consequences, which led to the destruction of the state and its institutions, the fragmentation of society and its systems, killing; prosecution; detention; and displacement of millions of Iraqis — especially intelligentsia, senior staff, scientists and experts, under “Wanted” lists, the Law of Ablation and Accountability, Abrogation of Ba’ath Party, Article (4) of the Terrorism Act, the Secret Detective Law and other laws, decrees and procedures issued after the occupation — in violation of international norms and protocols.
The Arab Ba’ath Socialist Party believes that the Patriotic Project that preserves the unity, sovereignty and independence of Iraq; observes its Arab and Islamic identity; ends the state of religious, sectarian and racial division and conflict; abolishes the policy of quotas, exclusion, and ablation; promotes a common culture of safe coexistence; achieves the comprehensive national reconciliation, equality, and fair opportunities among all Iraqis, regardless of their various affiliations; constitutes a roadmap for a complete, comprehensive, and final answer for the issue of Iraq; and reinstates its humanitarian role and status Arab Nation-wide and internationally, should including the following principles:
First: Ending the Iranian occupation and domination over the political process in Iraq; ending the presence of armed militias; eliminating the remnants of the US occupation and its consequences; rejecting and resisting all types of occupation, influence and foreign intervention in Iraq, through:
1. Mobilizing the Iraqi people and unifying its patriotic activities and resistance groups, using all legitimate means in confronting the Iranian occupation and its instruments, on the material, military, political, media, economic and other levels.
2. Support any Arab or international strategy — and participate in it — to end the Iranian occupation of Iraq. Fighting against and the forces of terrorism and sectarianism represented by ISIS and extremist movements on the one hand, and Iran-backed armed militias on the other hand.
3. To seek — and communicate with the Arab states — to issue a resolution of the UN Security Council that forces Iran end its occupation of Iraq and withdraw unconditionally, and cessation of its threats and interference in the affairs of other Arab countries.
4. To work with the relevant international bodies to place the armed militias associated with Iran as well as the Iraqi parties in power on the list of terrorist organizations, and prosecute them for war crimes and crimes against humanity, as they represent the other side of terrorism while their crimes had exceeded those of both ISIS and Al Qaeda, and they became a serious threat to the security and stability of the Arab countries and the world.
Second: Call for holding an Iraqi National Conference, attended by all Iraqi activities with binding Arab and International guarantees, to agree on changing the political process, and to start a new transitional period for a specific time frame, that include:
1. Forming an Interim National Assembly from representatives of all Iraqi activities, factions and classes of society: civil, professional, academic and etc.
2. Forming of an interim Government of independent technocrats that do not belong to any political party — neither the Authority’s parties, nor its opposition. The duties of the new government shall be:
a. Launching a process of reforming the structure of the State's executive and service institutions to meet the provision of basic public services, achieving a prompt return of displaced — inside and outside Iraq — eliminating the remnants of the occupation; fight against corruption and prosecuting corrupt officials; and return looted funds.
b. Developing a comprehensive plan to extend security, put an end to the state of anarchy and security chaos, and protecting citizens and their properties.
c. Forming an extensive Legal Committee to rewrite the constitution that preserves the unity, sovereignty, independence of Iraq, and affirms its Arabic and Islamic identity; separates the legislative, executive, and judicial authorities, and clarifies the relationship among them; determines the nature of the Governing Regime, democratic practice, and partisan pluralism; secures public and individual freedoms, and respects the rights of citizens and minorities; puts a final conclusion to the issue of Iraqi Kurdistan; abolishes the policy of quotas, eradication, exclusion, federalism and regionalism; establishes a patriotic democratic pluralist regime that adopts Iraqi citizenship as a major factor in the process of nomination and election.
d. Abolishing the process of ablation and its consequences; abolishing the law of accountability and justice, the law of banning the Ba’ath Party — fully and completely abolishing the “Wanted” lists issued at the beginning of the US occupation that targeted the leadership and senior officials of the Iraqi patriotic state; eliminating the effects of those laws that affected most segments and activities of Iraqi society at large, rather than Ba’athists only.
e. Canceling the resolution of reforming the Iraqi army and the security forces; abolishing article (4) of Anti-Terrorism law, that claimed the lives of tens of thousands of innocent people for malicious reasons.
f. Issuing a comprehensive amnesty, and release all prisoners and detainees held for political reasons since the beginning of the US occupation and up to now — on top of them: the Iraqi state’s senior officials before the US occupation of civil and military personnel who were arrested by US forces in 2003 as prisoners of war, and are still being held in Iraqi government prisons; guaranteeing the rights of citizens, and families of the victims, martyrs and missing persons due to conflicts and animosities evoked by the US occupation. All of these should be achieved by an independent and fair judiciary.
g. Compensating those who were affected by the US occupation, exclusion, ablation, political termination and ban; POWs, detainees, and disabled; families of victims, martyrs and missing persons — regardless their political, social, religious, or national backgrounds, whether they have been killed or detained by the US and Iranian occupation forces, or by successive governments, their parties, militias, and apparatuses.
h. Building the armed Forces and security services in accordance with patriotic laws, regulations and traditions; dissolving the armed militias; restricting weapons to army and security services only in a way that promotes peace, security and stability.
i. By the end of the transitional period, the President of the Republic to be elected directly and freely by the people; local and parliamentary elections to be held with participation of all Iraqi parties and activities, with no exception, in accordance with the constitution and new laws issued for parties and elections.
Third: The political and administrative regime: A modern political and administrative regime to be built according to the following principles:
1. Vibrant, flexible, efficient and based on modern and contemporary standards in performance evaluation; adopts the administrative divisions on which the modern Iraqi state was founded; develops it and creates new provinces and cities away from the trends of religious, sectarian, nationalism, and regional divisions ensuring the preservation of Iraq's national unity; achieves a state of balance among groups and segments of society; ensures the equitable distribution of wealth; organizing duties; and determines rights among the people.
2. Benefit from the experiences of developed countries in structuring state institutions, and distribution of powers and responsibilities between central and provincial governments, taking into account the characteristics of Iraqi national experience in this field.
3. Completely separates religion from politics, and addresses problems, conflicts and differences in this area which caused by the US occupation, in accordance with the constitution and civil laws.
4. Approach the religious institution of Iraq in a balanced manner to ensure respect for all religions, sects, and beliefs; and guarantees freedom of individuals to practice their religious rites, choices and sectarian affiliations without breaching of the security of the state and society. Establishing a (Supreme Council of Religions) in Iraq that includes representatives from all religions, sects, and creeds; coordinates among them; defines practices and promotes relations between religions and sects under an especially-legalized law for this purpose.
5. Prepares suitable atmosphere to achieve widest and most comprehensive national reconciliation among the different classes of people in all regions and provinces, and remove the tensions and sectarian animosities which has been generated during and caused by the US and Iranian occupation of Iraq.
Fourth: Construction and reconstruction of Iraq: The process of building and rebuilding Iraq is one of the main pillars for any patriotic project meant to solving the problem, due to the massive destruction Iraq has suffered as a state, social and economic institutions, infrastructure and national systems. Therefore, the participation of developed countries in rebuilding Iraq with their state-of-art technologies in infrastructure and meta-infrastructure areas is the cornerstone of the success of any patriotic project to be accepted by the people.
The construction process should be based on the optimal investment of Iraq's various resources — especially oil — according to the principle of oil for construction and reconstruction. The basis of this is that each of the developed countries and their specialized companies build one of the provinces of Iraq under the supervision and leadership of the Patriotic Government of Iraq. This should be done according mutual, detailed agreements between Iraq and these Countries; these agreements should include employment, training and qualifying of Iraqi human resources of various professions, trades and competencies, so by the end of the given construction process, they can stand for leading the Iraqi state institutions.
Iraq's leadership of the Arab Ba’ath Socialist Party
20 March 2017
A National Project for a Comprehensive Solution to IraqAfter prolonged studies, based on the disastrous reality of Iraq, the Arab Ba’ath Socialist Party has envisioned a comprehensive patriotic project to save Iraq, aiming to rebuild in accordance with the principle of equal citizenship; preparing the required conditions that insure all the necessities of a free and dignified life, foremost of which are: security, safety, national independence, sovereignty, utilizing Iraq's wealth for reconstruction, abolition of the laws of “Ablation,” restoration of state power, building its armed forces on the basis of professionalism, and national reconciliation. Arab Ba’ath Socialist Party The Leadership of State of IraqOne Arab nation with an Eternal Mission Unity — freedom — SocialismThe National Project for a Comprehensive Solution to IraqIraq's complex problems and crises that threaten its existence, destiny and future, came as an inevitable outcome of the war waged by the United States, Britain and their allies in Iraq in 2003, which was characterized by many international jurists and international figures, including the former Secretary-General of the United Nations as a "War of Aggression." The rationales behind the war were proved to be incorrect and fabricated, and finally were admitted by some US and British officials themselves. It became obvious to everybody the damage of this war and its serious consequences, which led to the destruction of the state and its institutions, the fragmentation of society and its systems, killing; prosecution; detention; and displacement of millions of Iraqis — especially intelligentsia, senior staff, scientists and experts, under “Wanted” lists, the Law of Ablation and Accountability, Abrogation of Ba’ath Party, Article (4) of the Terrorism Act, the Secret Detective Law and other laws, decrees and procedures issued after the occupation — in violation of international norms and protocols.The Arab Ba’ath Socialist Party believes that the Patriotic Project that preserves the unity, sovereignty and independence of Iraq; observes its Arab and Islamic identity; ends the state of religious, sectarian and racial division and conflict; abolishes the policy of quotas, exclusion, and ablation; promotes a common culture of safe coexistence; achieves the comprehensive national reconciliation, equality, and fair opportunities among all Iraqis, regardless of their various affiliations; constitutes a roadmap for a complete, comprehensive, and final answer for the issue of Iraq; and reinstates its humanitarian role and status Arab Nation-wide and internationally, should including the following principles:First: Ending the Iranian occupation and domination over the political process in Iraq; ending the presence of armed militias; eliminating the remnants of the US occupation and its consequences; rejecting and resisting all types of occupation, influence and foreign intervention in Iraq, through:1. Mobilizing the Iraqi people and unifying its patriotic activities and resistance groups, using all legitimate means in confronting the Iranian occupation and its instruments, on the material, military, political, media, economic and other levels.2. Support any Arab or international strategy — and participate in it — to end the Iranian occupation of Iraq. Fighting against and the forces of terrorism and sectarianism represented by ISIS and extremist movements on the one hand, and Iran-backed armed militias on the other hand.3. To seek — and communicate with the Arab states — to issue a resolution of the UN Security Council that forces Iran end its occupation of Iraq and withdraw unconditionally, and cessation of its threats and interference in the affairs of other Arab countries.4. To work with the relevant international bodies to place the armed militias associated with Iran as well as the Iraqi parties in power on the list of terrorist organizations, and prosecute them for war crimes and crimes against humanity, as they represent the other side of terrorism while their crimes had exceeded those of both ISIS and Al Qaeda, and they became a serious threat to the security and stability of the Arab countries and the world.Second: Call for holding an Iraqi National Conference, attended by all Iraqi activities with binding Arab and International guarantees, to agree on changing the political process, and to start a new transitional period for a specific time frame, that include:1. Forming an Interim National Assembly from representatives of all Iraqi activities, factions and classes of society: civil, professional, academic and etc.2. Forming of an interim Government of independent technocrats that do not belong to any political party — neither the Authority’s parties, nor its opposition. The duties of the new government shall be:a. Launching a process of reforming the structure of the State's executive and service institutions to meet the provision of basic public services, achieving a prompt return of displaced — inside and outside Iraq — eliminating the remnants of the occupation; fight against corruption and prosecuting corrupt officials; and return looted funds.b. Developing a comprehensive plan to extend security, put an end to the state of anarchy and security chaos, and protecting citizens and their properties.c. Forming an extensive Legal Committee to rewrite the constitution that preserves the unity, sovereignty, independence of Iraq, and affirms its Arabic and Islamic identity; separates the legislative, executive, and judicial authorities, and clarifies the relationship among them; determines the nature of the Governing Regime, democratic practice, and partisan pluralism; secures public and individual freedoms, and respects the rights of citizens and minorities; puts a final conclusion to the issue of Iraqi Kurdistan; abolishes the policy of quotas, eradication, exclusion, federalism and regionalism; establishes a patriotic democratic pluralist regime that adopts Iraqi citizenship as a major factor in the process of nomination and election.d. Abolishing the process of ablation and its consequences; abolishing the law of accountability and justice, the law of banning the Ba’ath Party — fully and completely abolishing the “Wanted” lists issued at the beginning of the US occupation that targeted the leadership and senior officials of the Iraqi patriotic state; eliminating the effects of those laws that affected most segments and activities of Iraqi society at large, rather than Ba’athists only.e. Canceling the resolution of reforming the Iraqi army and the security forces; abolishing article (4) of Anti-Terrorism law, that claimed the lives of tens of thousands of innocent people for malicious reasons.f. Issuing a comprehensive amnesty, and release all prisoners and detainees held for political reasons since the beginning of the US occupation and up to now — on top of them: the Iraqi state’s senior officials before the US occupation of civil and military personnel who were arrested by US forces in 2003 as prisoners of war, and are still being held in Iraqi government prisons; guaranteeing the rights of citizens, and families of the victims, martyrs and missing persons due to conflicts and animosities evoked by the US occupation. All of these should be achieved by an independent and fair judiciary.g. Compensating those who were affected by the US occupation, exclusion, ablation, political termination and ban; POWs, detainees, and disabled; families of victims, martyrs and missing persons — regardless their political, social, religious, or national backgrounds, whether they have been killed or detained by the US and Iranian occupation forces, or by successive governments, their parties, militias, and apparatuses.h. Building the armed Forces and security services in accordance with patriotic laws, regulations and traditions; dissolving the armed militias; restricting weapons to army and security services only in a way that promotes peace, security and stability.i. By the end of the transitional period, the President of the Republic to be elected directly and freely by the people; local and parliamentary elections to be held with participation of all Iraqi parties and activities, with no exception, in accordance with the constitution and new laws issued for parties and elections.Third: The political and administrative regime: A modern political and administrative regime to be built according to the following principles:1. Vibrant, flexible, efficient and based on modern and contemporary standards in performance evaluation; adopts the administrative divisions on which the modern Iraqi state was founded; develops it and creates new provinces and cities away from the trends of religious, sectarian, nationalism, and regional divisions ensuring the preservation of Iraq's national unity; achieves a state of balance among groups and segments of society; ensures the equitable distribution of wealth; organizing duties; and determines rights among the people.2. Benefit from the experiences of developed countries in structuring state institutions, and distribution of powers and responsibilities between central and provincial governments, taking into account the characteristics of Iraqi national experience in this field.3. Completely separates religion from politics, and addresses problems, conflicts and differences in this area which caused by the US occupation, in accordance with the constitution and civil laws.4. Approach the religious institution of Iraq in a balanced manner to ensure respect for all religions, sects, and beliefs; and guarantees freedom of individuals to practice their religious rites, choices and sectarian affiliations without breaching of the security of the state and society. Establishing a (Supreme Council of Religions) in Iraq that includes representatives from all religions, sects, and creeds; coordinates among them; defines practices and promotes relations between religions and sects under an especially-legalized law for this purpose.5. Prepares suitable atmosphere to achieve widest and most comprehensive national reconciliation among the different classes of people in all regions and provinces, and remove the tensions and sectarian animosities which has been generated during and caused by the US and Iranian occupation of Iraq.Fourth: Construction and reconstruction of Iraq: The process of building and rebuilding Iraq is one of the main pillars for any patriotic project meant to solving the problem, due to the massive destruction Iraq has suffered as a state, social and economic institutions, infrastructure and national systems. Therefore, the participation of developed countries in rebuilding Iraq with their state-of-art technologies in infrastructure and meta-infrastructure areas is the cornerstone of the success of any patriotic project to be accepted by the people.The construction process should be based on the optimal investment of Iraq's various resources — especially oil — according to the principle of oil for construction and reconstruction. The basis of this is that each of the developed countries and their specialized companies build one of the provinces of Iraq under the supervision and leadership of the Patriotic Government of Iraq. This should be done according mutual, detailed agreements between Iraq and these Countries; these agreements should include employment, training and qualifying of Iraqi human resources of various professions, trades and competencies, so by the end of the given construction process, they can stand for leading the Iraqi state institutions.Iraq's leadership of the Arab Ba’ath Socialist Party20 March 2017